Debate Mate’s CPD programme was designed to empower teachers to improve teaching and learning by embedding our tried and tested debate methodology into their classroom practice. Having now trained over 4,000 teachers from a dozen countries – both in person and online – to set up and run their own debating clubs, embed debate methodology in schemes of work, and cascade CPD to support whole-school oracy improvement plans – our training is more flexible and applicable than ever before. Led by experienced teachers and expert debate coaches, our half-day CPD courses are tailored to meet the needs of your staff and students.
Our Debate Clubs and Competitions half-day CPD course includes:
- A comprehensive overview of debating and debate theory
- Detailed guidance on how to set up and run your own debate club and competitions
- A year-long subscription to The Debate Chamber, which includes session plans, video explanations of our tried and tested debating activities and digestible explanations of key debating concepts
- Weekly emails made up of expert tips, engaging motions and ongoing guidance on how to use the Debate Chamber for maximum impact
- Guaranteed entry for your students into Debate Mate’s virtual debating tournament
“I am already thinking about how to transmit the enthusiasm about debating you passed on to us in the CPD session – it was fantastic how in such a short time you managed to transmit so much useful information. I am now navigating the Debate Mate site and finding lots of useful videos, explanations and examples of things to do with the students.” – CPD Participant, The English Montessori School Madrid – May 2020
Our Classroom Practice half-day CPD course includes:
- Practical strategies and resources to embed debating activities in the curriculum, across all subject areas and Key Stages
- Consultation and planning time with a focus on embedding debate methodology in specific schemes of work
- A year-long subscription to Debate Mate Online – a comprehensive guide to debating in the classroom which includes lesson plans, sample schemes of work, video explanations of our tried and tested debating activities and detailed explanations of key debating concepts
- Support in cascading CPD to support with departmental or whole-school oracy improvement plans
“Dialogic teaching is a fantastic way of raising academic achievement and is an amazing way of engaging children who might not otherwise be engaged in lessons. By introducing debate methodology, you see a real transformation within the children, not only in their academic progress but also in their confidence, resilience and ability to think on their feet.” – Head of Oracy, Elmhurst Primary School
Prices start from £249 per delegate, including a year-long subscription to Debate Mate Online. Discounts are available for group bookings. For upcoming sessions dates and registration, please click here.
Bespoke CPD Workshops
Debate Mate also delivers bespoke CPD workshops, curated in consultation with the client to meet the school or training centre’s desired outcomes. These are typically delivered during INSET or other staff training days. Prices start from £2,000 for a half-day, or £2,500 for a full-day, for up to 20 teachers. These costs are inclusive of a year-long licence to the Debate Mate Online Debate Chamber for each delegate, which includes access to all of our tried and tested resources to support staff in embedding the Debate Mate Methodology in their practice.
Debate Mate also works with schools and federations on long-term projects such as School Improvement Plans; detailed curriculum planning; or introducing and embedding oracy across departments and Key Stages.
Using a mixture of teacher training, collaborative planning and team teaching, we can work with individual schools or whole federations to create a practical plan focused on improving attainment, increasing student engagement and creating a more positive school culture.
“Debate Mate has become part of our school ethos…students have come to understand not just how to argue, but how to present themselves to their peers, to interviewers, to people who they don’t know. It is preparing them for life beyond school and giving them that much-needed push that they wouldn’t otherwise get.” – English Teacher, Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School
Online Delivery and COVID-19 Contingency
All of Debate Mate’s student and teacher programmes can be delivered online, live-streamed into either schools or homes. We have years of experience using our innovative Online Platform to provide training and resources to schools and educational organisations across the world. Following the suspension of in-person teaching caused by COVID-19, we have continued to engage thousands of young people through virtual debating clubs, topical resources and exciting debating competitions.